Extremely Elegant Rose Gold Cartier Crash Fake Watches With Luxury Diamond decorations

This model belongs to a limited edition of 267 pieces. The Crash collection has very distinctive and unqiue features which are the irregular cases. People will recognize it at the first glance for the special case. The pretty Cartier Crash replica watches have hand-wound mechanical movements which are manufactured with strict standards. Their power reserve is long-lasting and stable. So their performances would be outstanding.

The whole watch body is made from 18k rose gold. The polished cases and bracelets give people an elegant image. Their irregular cases are decorated with 149 brilliant-cut diamonds. And their round crown is inset with a round diamond. The total weight of these luxury diamonds is about 2.15 karats. Then the silver dials have black painted Roman numerals as hour markers. The central hour and minute hands are all made of blue steel. These hands are also an iconic design of this brand.

Swiss mechanical movements Cartier copy watches have no other functions. People just can see the time. Lots of fashion icons and young ladies like to wear them to match different beautiful clothes to reveal the stylish and particular feelings. Each timepiece has its own serial number. The precious and noble appearances are appealing and charming.

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